A Treasure Trove of Creativity that We’re Building Together
Recently Published:
Episode 3: Goncharov Blood & Snow W/ Joel Holland (Checkpoint Holiday Special)
10-episode Special: 1-Page One-Shot Lightning Round
Episode 2: Pokémon Emerald W/ Ellen Weatherford
9 – Immortalizing an Old Friend as a Monstrous Hunter in Monster of the Week (Feat. Colin Parker)
Episode 1: Control W/ Kamijace
8 – Making a Corporate PR Stunt in Kaiju, Incorporated
7 – Creating a Pilot who Makes his Own Luck in Edge of the Empire
6 pt.2 – Finishing a Witch’s Familiar Who’s Considering a Solo Adventure in The Dark Eye
6 pt.1 – Starting a Witch’s Familiar Who’s Considering a Solo Adventure in The Dark Eye
5 – Making a Hunter from the Mountains in Shadows of Esteren
4 – Making a Power-Sealing Secret Agent (and his human sidekick) in City of Mist (feat. ChaosKingTyrone)